Hi there - I'm a traditional *, fine-art photographer by day...


...and in my quest to become more knowledgeable in 21st century methods of photography I began to explore the world of digital.


Taking class after class on digital photography, printing and Adobe Photoshop I grew as a photographer as well as becoming a stronger workshop teacher. Bridging traditional photography with digital also allowed me to move forward with a website of my own.


I hired a talented woman, Elaine Meszaros, in Madison, Wisconsin to make my ideas come alive on the world wide web. As I streamed to her more and more designs and jpgs to post, one day in an email she mused, "You should just learn how to do this yourself!"


So I took her advice and did.


After many hours in the classroom and in front of my Mac, I’ve come to love all of the limitless (and immediate) possibilities and find it extremely gratifying as an artist.


I bring to the table my expertise as an award-winning photographer and talents as a designer - with that and now more, I've begun "moonlighting" as a website designer.




* using film in manual cameras and processing in a traditional darkroom